Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Newest Technology predictions for 2010

Portable devices are always connected to the Internet will be consumed as many as 10 million people around the world this year 2010, according to industry observers predicted the result, Deloitte. NetTabs, known as a touchscreen tablet, designed for web surfing, has shape larger than a smartphone, but smaller than a laptop, will become the new consumption in 2010, continued the company Deloitte.

Gadget that will reap huge profits is a smartphone, Deloitte claims, because the smartphone offers a bigger screen for web surfing and watching videos. However, unlike the netbook and notebook, which both offer larger display than a smartphone, NetTabs much lighter and cheaper.
While the wireless connection will be popular for NetTabs, supported by network providers, but consumers seem to prefer the subsidy from the carrier, because NetTabs will dibandrol cheaper prices than most smartphones, Deloitte added. NetTabs even expected to threaten the existence of market e-book reader, where Deloitte predicts that sales of e-book reader will reach 5 million units globally, the end of the year.

Deloitte also predicts the existence of the development of a broader technology, which is based conversations with more than 7000 technology, media and telecom expert who will create the gadgets of technology also during 2010.

source: www.beritanet.com

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